End This Cruel Assault On Dolphin Life
1,234 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal
Sponsor: Free The Ocean
Shield dolphins from the relentless noise threatening their existence and join the fight now for a quieter ocean and a real chance at survival

Marine scientists warn that loud industrial noise from cargo vessels, construction sites, and offshore oil exploration submerges the calls that dolphins rely on for survival1. This clamor often drowns out the vocal signals they use to find food, coordinate social structures, and reproduce. NOAA holds a legal duty under the Marine Mammals Protection Act to protect these creatures in their habitats. When noise levels rise, dolphins struggle to maintain pod unity and risk displacement from key coastal areas2.
Disrupted Coordination
Research confirms that dolphins raise their calls to extreme volumes when subjected to elevated sound levels but still fail to coordinate effectively3. Their social ties hinge on clear vocal exchanges, so any disruption can harm migration patterns and reduce population sizes. Experts fear that unchecked industrial growth in sensitive waters will drive these animals toward exhaustion, further threatening overall ocean health4.
NOAA’s Role
NOAA has the authority to enact regulations under the Marine Mammals Protection Act. Oversight of industrial projects, along with strict noise-monitoring protocols, would help dolphins thrive instead of endure constant stress. The choice is clear. Without firm action, our oceans move closer to silence where dolphins cannot hear each other or navigate a safe path.
Take Action Now
Take a stand. Demand a swift response from NOAA. Add your name to our petition and urge officials to adopt strong safeguards. Help ensure a future where dolphins live free of avoidable distress.
- Esme Stallard, BBC New (12 January 2023), "Dolphins 'shout' to get heard over noise pollution."
- Hannah Devlin, The Guardian (12 January 2023), "Dolphins ‘shout’ to compensate for human-made background noise."
- Pernille M. Sørensen, Abigail Haddock, Emily Guarino, Kelly Jaakkola, Christina McMullen, Frants H. Jensen, Peter L. Tyack, Stephanie L. King, Current Biology (27 February 2023), "Anthropogenic noise impairs cooperation in bottlenose dolphins."
- Peter Yeung, National Geographic (12 December 2022), "Dolphins are being drowned out by noise pollution in Hong Kong."
The Petition:
To the Under Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere and NOAA Administrator,
We, the undersigned, call on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to uphold its legal responsibility under the Marine Mammals Protection Act by enacting rules and processes to shield dolphins from harmful noise pollution. Excessive sound from offshore drilling, shipping, and industrial activities can disturb essential behaviors such as feeding, breeding, and migration for these intelligent and socially complex animals.
Marine scientists have documented that persistent loud sounds can disrupt acoustic communication, separate dolphin pods, and reduce feeding opportunities. If left unchecked, this growing noise pollution not only places dolphins at risk but also diminishes the biodiversity of our oceans, further stressing marine ecosystems. NOAA’s responsibility, enshrined in the Marine Mammals Protection Act, is more critical than ever. By collaborating with stakeholders, setting stringent noise thresholds, and enforcing thorough impact assessments, the agency can prevent irreversible harm to dolphin populations and preserve genetic diversity.
By instituting rigorous environmental assessments, strict noise-level regulations, and robust monitoring protocols, NOAA can ensure that dolphins remain safe and comfortable in their natural habitats—free of undue stress and the risk of displacement. These steps will not only help safeguard dolphin populations but also preserve ocean health, promoting a brighter future for all who share our planet’s waters.