I was told at age 6 I would have to give myself 6 shots a day just to stay alive. As i got older i struggled to keep it under contol and spent many days in the ER and ICU. Now at age 23 i struggle with low blood sugar seizures. Just as it seems to get easier something new always drags me back down. I have a 5 year old daughter who i fear everyday she will have to do this same thing, and now a baby boy is due in June and i fear it even more. A Cure would be the best thing that could happen for me now, I want to be here for my family as long as I can, but not have to worry so much that something is going to happen to me to prevent that. I try not to limit myself on what I can do or use my diabetes as an excuse for anything, but we need a cure. I know im only one voice but im yelling at the top of my lungs for help in finding a cure, for the thousands who struggle harder then me, and the young children who are told the same thing i was at such a young age.
Lawrence MachenCheswick, PA